District celebrates the start of construction on new elementary school gym
The Miller Place School District recently celebrated the start of construction of a new gymnasium at Andrew Muller Primary School.
Superintendent of Schools Mr. Seth Lipshie joined with members of the District administration, the Board of Education, District Architect and representatives of RENU Contracting & Restoration to celebrate the groundbreaking.
“We are thrilled to announce the start of construction of the new gymnasium at Andrew Muller Primary School. Our District has worked diligently to make this possible. This provides an excellent physical education environment for our students. The current shared gymnasium space can now be utilized for a dedicated cafeteria and an area to host school assemblies,” said Mr. Lipshie.
The site of the new gymnasium will be located to the left of the main entrance with an adjoining hallway. The construction of the Andrew Muller Primary School Gymnasium is part of the District’s bond referendum approved by voters in October 2021.
For more information about the Miller Place School District, please visit the District’s website at www.millerplace.k12.ny.us. To read more about the great things happening in Miller Place schools, visit www.millerplaceinthemedia.com and ‘like’ our Facebook page.